Cristiano De Liberato (CDL) was born in 1960 in Milan (Italy) where he still lives. In 1976, together with five friends, he founded one of the first private radio stations in Milan. Since childhood, that is, always, he has nurtured a passion: flying (which for him means being amazed at any device capable of detaching itself from the ground and hovering in the air). For this reason, in 2000 he obtained his pilot’s license for general aviation airplanes. Having completely satisfied the desire to fly with planes, in 2006 he began to do so with his imagination; that year his first story was published and that’s how writing became his profession.

CDL moves from one genre to another with extreme ease, tackling disparate topics from time to time. In fact, among his books there are detective stories, adventure novels, thrillers, love stories, real life stories and fulfilled dreams. Irony, romanticism and surprising endings complete the author’s stylistic picture. CDL shapes his stories by shaping them and making them match reality, but another that the reader does not imagine exists and which for this very reason amazes and makes us reflect. Like (almost) all writers, he loves cats and cups of steaming tea, but if you ask him to define himself he will tell you that he is just a curious individual who analyzes the past, interprets the present and sometimes can see into the future.

Cristiano has well closed, imprisoned in the limbo of his imagination, short stories, stories, novels and ideas that sooner or later will become printed paper. Some of these have already found their escape point and have thus been transformed from ethereal ideas into concrete and tangible volumes.
In fact, in 2006, his first story was published: Effetto Jenner (Jenner effect), a detective story that was inspired by the tragic events of September 11, 2001. In Effetto Jenner, the figure of Otar Irch appears in a very original way. Otar will return forcefully, as a protagonist, six years later.

In 2008 he created L’Incantesimo dell’ultima fata (The Last Fairy’s Spell), an urban fable initially designed only for the electronic market. This work will be radically reworked in 2014.

In 2011 his first adventure novel, Il dado e la mappa di vetro (The Die and the Glass Map), in which Otar Irch predominantly returns. In 2020 the work was re-edited: two new covers were introduced for both the ebook and the paper version, and a luxury paper edition was added, with particular attention to the layout and internal details.

February 2013: the thriller novel RDF | Ritratto di famiglia (RDF | Family Portrait) is published. For this work, as for all the others, a book trailer has been produced, visible on this site (Italian page) or on YouTube.
With “RDF | Ritratto di famiglia” begins a series characterized by the presence of the acronym of the title as an element of distinction between the works. In 2020 the work was re-edited: the new versions (ebook and paper) are characterized by new cover graphics.

In February 2014, 92 was published, a paper transposition of the history of RVB, Radio Villa Briantea (the radio founded by Cristiano with five other friends). The electronic version (ebook) of “92” is completely free.

Also in 2014, and following the success that the ebook version of L’Incantesimo dell’ultima fata achieved among readers, the author decided to create a paper version. However, he is not satisfied, he wants something highly emotional: a color comic! The work is preceded by the publication of a book trailer and a free preview ebook which in a few weeks becomes one of the most downloaded comics on the web. The paperback was published in July 2014. The graphics, the obsessive attention to detail, the very high quality paper and a soft-touch cover (thanks to soft-touch technology) make the volume a true collector’s item. In 2020, a new paperback version was published for Amazon Books. To satisfy a curiosity expressed by readers, the original script used to define the drawings of the first fourteen panels of the comic has been added in this edition.

2015 should be the year of the thriller 631 | Sei occhi, tre prospettive, un posto vuoto (631 | Six eyes, three perspectives, an empty place), however the publication is postponed due to the very particular topic covered. This volume, the second of the “acronym series”, surprises everyone: it is a detective story starring the members of the Pooh band. In February 2015 the group’s bassist was informed of the existence of the novel. Following this, Cristiano is summoned to the Milanese headquarters of the complex. It is here that the author, on the advice of Red Canzian (the famous bassist of the group), decides to postpone its release, so that it coincides with the celebrations linked to the fiftieth anniversary of the famous band’s career; “631” was published in June 2016. The second edition of the novel was released in 2020: the ebook and paperback are characterized by new cover graphics.

With Romantic Distopia (Romantic Dystopia), published in 2020, CDL tackles the intriguing topic of science fiction. The world imagined by the author is certainly dystopian, however his characters, and in general the entire society narrated in the volume, do not have to deal with sensational utopian inventions (therefore unachievable at the moment), but live and face futuristic technological solutions that are already perfectly achievable , Today. The book participated in the first edition of the “Storyteller Literary Award” organized by Amazon for self-published writers. The book trailer of Romantic Distopia was a finalist among the “magnificent ten” of the 18th Trailer Film Festival in Milan, placing sixth. The Romantic Distopia project involves the publication of a second final volume, whose release is scheduled for 2021.

January 2021: the first edition of La statua di carta (The Paper Statue) is published. The book is the fruit of an idea of ​​a brilliant man with whom Cristiano shared sixty years of Italian life, his father. The death of a parent always leaves a painful mark but when the person who passes away was also important to many other people, the loss must somehow be processed differently than usual. The paper statue is a biographical book in which events from the past are narrated, when Italy was growing, industries were active and very present, dreams came true and futures were still to be discovered. A memory that does not deserve to be dissolved, especially when we have to put together the rubble overturned over the world by a cruel and deadly pandemic and try to reconstruct a bit of our historical memory that was lost in a few months due to an unsuspected and sneaky. The volume is characterized by an interesting chronological graphic solution and is accompanied by images and drawings, icons of a good time that those who preceded us lived to the full. We readers have only one duty left: to remember!

The adventurous story of Romantic Distopia ends with the second, monumental chapter, published in July 2021. This volume also participated in the literary competition organized by Amazon (Storyteller 2021). Once again CDL, to present his book to the public, has created an adrenaline-filled and exciting book trailer whose epic tones well describe the entire atmosphere of the novel, where… “danger is everywhere”.

June 6, 2022 is a very significant date for CDL, in fact on this day the first volume of the L’Esercito del Tempo – Il primo demone (The Army of Time- The First Demon) series is published with which the author invented a new literary genre with infinite narrative potential, and which he called “fantasty“. From this moment on, anything can be born from the creative pen of CDL!

Thirteen months after the release of the futuristic L’Esercito del Tempo – Il primo demone , the second chapter of the series entitled L’Esercito del Tempo – Prodigi e lupi (The Army of Time – Prodigies and Wolves) is published with which CDL demonstrates what an imaginative mind like his, and certainly, it doesn’t end here…

In addition to all this, CDL has translated and published the following 12 books, volumes recovered from the “Public Domain”, which Italian publishing (even the most renowned ones) has incredibly forgotten about:

The Wreck of the Titan by Morgan Robertson;

The Book of Pirates by Howard Pyle;

Jack Ballister’s Fortunes by Howard Pyle;

The Frozen Pirate by William Clark Russell;

Ghosts and Family Legends by Catherine Crowe;

The Nine Lives of a Cat by Charles Bennett;

Letters from a Cat by Helen Hunt Jackson;

Snowflakes by Israel Perkins Warren;

Shores of the Polar Sea by Edward L. Moss;

The Book of Dreams and Ghosts by Andrew Lang;

The Firm of Girdlestone by Arthur Conan Doyle;

The Phantom Death, etc. by William Clark Russell.